Noosa Landcare offers a diverse range of endemic and speciality native plants, with over 130 different species grown and stocked, including locally significant and threatened flora species. We offer plant species from the amazing diversity of our local vegetation types within the Noosa and surrounding regions, including rainforest, Eucalyptus forests, montane, health, and coastal dune environments.
Our stock is grown locally at our two production nurseries located in Pomona, which produces up to 300,000 tubestock per year. We offer tubestock in a variety of sizes and provide discount prices for bulk orders and our members.
Our staff are experienced horticulturalists and happy to offer advice and recommendations for your next project. Feel free to give our wholesale nursery team a call and email or drop into our retail nursery, the Hinter Hub in Pomona, to chat with someone.

Wholesale Nursery
Address: 65 Pavilion St, Pomona
Hours: The Production Nursery is open for collecting orders 9am-3pm Monday to Friday.
Closed to the public except for collecting orders (over 20 plants) which have been emailed through to or 0419 377 423.
Contact: Lorin Burns (Sales officer) at or 0419 377 423 and Owen Snowden (Nursery Manager) at

Retail nursery at the Hinter Hub Store
Address: Station St, Pomona (opposite the bakery)
Hours: Open to the public for native plant sales, a curated collection of locally made artisan gifts, and an extensive book list
8.30-3.30pm Monday-Friday & 8am-1.30pm Saturday
Contact: or 07 5485 2468

Key’s Boronia
(Boronia keysii),
Noosa’s floral emblem.
Noosa Landcare propagates and sells Key’s Boronia (Boronia keysii). This attractive, sprawling shrub is endemic to the lowland heath and open forests of the Noosa River plain area. Having a restricted distribution, Key’s Boronia is vulnerable to extinction and is unfortunately one of our local threatened plants.
Add Noosa’s floral emblem
to your garden!
Key’s Boronia is named after Queensland botanist, James Keys, who first collected the species at Lake Cootharaba back in 1909.
Learn more about Key’s Boronia here.

Birdwing Butterfly Vine (Pararistolochia praevenosa).
Noosa Landcare proudly propagates and sells Birdwing Butterfly Vine (Pararistolochia praevenosa). This is one of two host plants for the Vulnerable Richmond Birdwing Butterfly (Ornithoptera richmondia), found only in subtropical northern New South Wales and South East Queensland.
Help the recovery of the Richmond Birdwing Butterfly today and plant a Birdwing Butterfly Vine.
Noosa and District Landcare are proud members of the Richmond Birdwing Conservation Network.
Learn more about the Richmond Bird Wing Butterfly and how you can support the recovery of this species here.