We are proud to share with you all our community library recently installed in Station Place at the Hinter Hub store in Pomona.

Last year Noosa Landcare were lucky to receive funding from the Cooroy RSL community benefit fund to help us with a small passion project focused on community mental health and wellbeing.

With the help of many wonderful staff and community members, this beautiful community library was created.

Community libraries serve as hubs where individuals can come together, share resources, and build relationships with others who share their love of reading and learning.

Through participation in a community library, people will not only expand their access to books but also contribute to the collective enrichment and empowerment of each other and the community. It’s a beautiful example of how small actions can have a big impact on creating a vibrant and connected community.

We would like to give a BIG thanks to the Cooroy RSL for their support to this project, to Kin Kin local Nick Thompson for the donation of books to start the library and Danny from ‘The Paint Place’ for donating the coloured exterior paint. We would like to extend our thanks to the wonderful Noosa Landcare staff who worked together to bring this project to fruition – Jaymie Suares, Jamie Missen, Kim Maddison, Darrin Barden, SQW trainees, artists – Sophie Chegwyn, Brent Whitworth, Kailey Pearce and Belinda Burke.

Please take a book or leave one for others to enjoy! Happy reading 💚📖

“The more you read, the more things you will know… The more you learn, the more places you will go…” Dr Seuss.

About the Author: Ilana Kelly

Ilana Kelly is a Communications Officer with Noosa Landcare. Ilana has completed a variety of environmental studies and has previously worked in ecological research. Ilana worked in the Project Officer team within Noosa Landcare for five years, focusing on water quality and catchment management in the Lake Macdonald area in partnership with landholders and Seqwater.